
King Salomon Crystal Healing

Your DNA contains the blueprint for who you are as a Divine Being. It is God-given, holy, sacred, and defines the uniqueness of you.
Initially the 22 strand activation was used as a rite of passage in the ancient mystery school traditions to activate high priests and priestesses, prophets, and oracles. Activation of the 22nd strand has been handed down from the time of King Salomon and is now being offered to bring humanity into full empowerment.
This profound awakening process helps to bring more light, energy and power into the body by activating the physical and spiritual aspects of the DNA.
The 22 strand activation will give you access to the secrets and mysteries of who you are and what your purpose is.

Some of the benefits of 22 strand activation are:

  • Enables you to bring in and hold more Light in your physical body
  • Empowers you to maximize your potential to bring forth unrealized talents and abilities
  • Gives you more energy and clarity
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Assists in releasing of unconscious patterns
  • Increases your ability to use more of your brain
  • Facilitates clearing of family and genetic karmic patterns
  • Helps to reduce stress

Give yourself this wonderful gift of empowerment.

Also available:

Crystal Therapy

A very simple and effective technique from the Ancient teachings of MU which work on the emotional, physical and spiritual levels to promote balance and wellbeing.