Helping Hand
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Helping Hand Homecare - Private Professional Homecare for as little as €10.44 an hour after tax relief. Contact us now for a free consultation.Helping Hand , the Independent Irish homecare provider. Now open in Howth Village, Co Dublin. We're Recruiting. We're Recruiting

Home Care Packages

Home care packages, which include home care cash grants, are grants brought in by the Government in 2006 to help support older people to continue living in their own community.

Services provided include:

  • Public health nurses
  • Home care attendants
  • Home helps
  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational therapists.

Home care packages vary depending on your needs - in some cases there may be a greater emphasis on home care assistants, while other packages may require a greater level of therapy or nursing care. The priority of this scheme is older people, aged over 65, living in the community or inpatients in acute hospitals, who are at risk of admission to long term care.
Home care packages are also available to those older people who have been admitted to long term care and now wish to return to the community.
In addition, the packages are offered to people who are already using existing core services, such as home helps, but need more assistance to continue to live in the community.
Home care packages are additional support, over and above existing community services, designed to enhance rather than replace home support services already in place.
The scheme aims to be as flexible as possible and highly responsive to the real needs of the individual. So, where a family or friends of an older person wish to provide care services, they will be encouraged to do so, with HSE support.
There will also be some flexibility, so that a person who is under 65 and may need home care may receive it, as appropriate.

How to apply

To apply for a home care package, you should contact the Public Health Nurse at your Local Health Centre for further information and an application form.

HSE National Information Line
Monday to Saturday, 8am-8pm
Call Save: 1850 24 1850
Find a home care package.Click here.
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