Helping Hand
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Helping Hand Homecare - Private Professional Homecare for as little as €10.44 an hour after tax relief. Contact us now for a free consultation.Helping Hand , the Independent Irish homecare provider. Now open in Howth Village, Co Dublin. We're Recruiting. We're Recruiting


Helping Hand use a modern telemonitoring system to always ensure that our carers are in the right location at the right time. We feel that this gives you that comfort knowing that no visit will be left uncovered and that we are constantly monitoring the situation.
All of our carers are required to login and out through our telemonitoring system. This is done through a free call from the client's phone which then automatically records the carer's location and the time in our computer system.

If the correct call is not made from the right location or at the right time an alarm is raised by our computer system and our 24 hour on-call staff start investigating immediately. In this situation, we will firstly contact the carer and the client and then make immediate alternative arrangements through our back up emergency staff.

Telemonitoring also has the benefit of encouraging carers to always be on time, as they are aware of the requirement to clock in on time.

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