Helping Hand
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Helping Hand Homecare - Private Professional Homecare for as little as €10.44 an hour after tax relief. Contact us now for a free consultation.Helping Hand , the Independent Irish homecare provider. Now open in Howth Village, Co Dublin. We're Recruiting. We're Recruiting

Can I Afford Care ?

Getting regular assistance in your own home can be a costly business, but luckily there is much more financial help provided these days than in the past. The Government has identified homecare as the most cost effective and appropriate way forward for most people requiring care, and offer generous tax relief and grants to eligible persons.

Homecare is much cheaper than residential care in a nursing home and offers all of the advantages of staying at home as long as possible. In deciding whether you can afford private homecare, we would recommend looking at all of the options open to you. Three main sources of funding may be available to you, to help finance the real cost of care.

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